Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The War on Christmas

I figured this topic deserved its own blog post. I saw yet another random, in all caps no less, status on Facebook stating that they didn't care who they offend. It went a little something like this:


First, let me just state that I am happy for this person. It's my hope that this has been repeated by so many people that no one really knows who I am talking about (just so I don't have to see it). Furthermore, it's not important on who it is. But as the person above stated, I'm sick and tired of this same mantra every year.

Second, It's not your holiday. Christmas has co-opted other religion's holy days. There are bits and pieces of every religion within Christmas. Christianity isn't the only religion that has a miraculous birth with a savior that is coming to save mankind from themselves. It's not the only religion that demands you follow their god and only their god to get into their version of heaven. It's not even the only Abrahamic religion or religion that includes Abraham as its founding father. Come to think of it, I'm not sure if there is any part of Christianity that's original except the War on Christmas thing. 

Third, Pagans celebrate Yule, some Blacks celebrate Kwanzaa, Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah (Festival of Lights) and some people have blended religions in their family so they celebrate the Holidays. Christians do not have a monopoly on what happens at this time of year, so if someone wants to celebrate the winter solstice then they don't need your permission - there is no trademark. There's evidence that Jesus wasn't even born on this day or this season and further evidence that suggests that in an attempt to get the Pagans to transfer to the new religion (Christianity) easier and more quickly, the Christians (of the time) choose this date for it's proximity to the Pagan festival of Yule. Rumor has it there was penalty of death if they didn't convert but that's another matter altogether.

Fourth, no one and I repeat NO ONE is taking your Christ out of Christmas. The only person that can do that is YOU. I say this because your religious choice is just that - a choice. Provided that Christmas still means the celebration of Christ's birth to you then that is what it shall mean. The moment you stop remembering that it celebrates Christ's birth is the moment it ceases to be so for you but someone else may still consider it that way; therefore, it's still a celebration of Christ's birth to them.

Finally, Christians have been offending people for as long as I can remember. So perhaps it is time you were offended. But there is nothing offensive about celebrating Kwanzaa, Yule, Winter Solstice, Christmas or just the Holidays. It's not even offensive that you scream about this same crap year after year with no results but it is annoying. When will you all understand that your religion is about you and what you believe - not the world at large. It's all about what you understand and hold dear in your heart. Christ hasn't been taken out of Christmas unless you allow it to happen in your heart, mind and soul. Until then, Christ will always be in Christmas.

Shout Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Yule, Merry Solstice, Happy Holidays or Happy Hanukkah. If someone greets you with something other than what you believe the time to be just nod your head and give your greeting. Smile knowing that you've wished someone Love during this Holiday season. As Cruella DeVil once said, "Is it difficult?".

Instead of seeing offense where none are meant, how about just celebrating the season in your time, in your way. Understand that by using the phrase "Happy Holidays" it's someone just wanting to be inclusive because they do not know what the other person celebrates. They aren't trying to be offensive. But as I said above, if you want to say Merry Christmas then do it and don't be offended or upset because someone give a greeting for another holiday celebrated during this time.

I'm sure you people mean well but I am seriously having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit with your incessant yammering going on about The War on Christmas.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Merry Christmas? Merry Xmas? Happy Holidays?

I figure most of you know I'm talking about the end of the year holidays and everything that comes with them. Thanksgiving is a little over a week away then Christmas will be a month later with New Year's Eve being one week after that.

I actually like this time of year because it appears that most people are in a helpful mood (except at Black Friday sales then all bets are off). I like Christmas music but I can't say the same for the other holidays at this time because I have never listened to music specifically for that holiday. I'm not a big fan of people or their cheerfulness that often but something about this time of year seems okay.

But do you want to know what I truly despise about this time of year? The annual War on Christmas! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the War of Christmas. Nothing is more annoying than to hear people scream as loud as they can (or from posts on Facebook or Twitter or Google+) that they are keeping the Christ in Christmas - Who's with me?

First, let me explain, putting Christ in Christmas does about as much good for Christmas as putting a screen door on a submarine does for the submarine.

Second, Christmas is, more or less, a commercial event these days. I buy gifts for a handful of people (added a new one this year! He knows who he is...) and give them out then I'm done. I do have this strange idea to give handmade gifts one year but I'd have to practically start now for Christmas 2012 and even then I think I'm being conservative about the time it would take. But that is not the only strange idea I have at the moment. So that you don't think my train of thought has derailed, I won't talk about the other ideas.

Lastly, a heard a phrase that I liked, it said, "I'll put the Christ back in Christmas when you put the Christ back in Christian - You first." To some degree the statement is true in that not all who call themselves Christians are actually Christians. Then, of course, if you want people to see that Christmas is really about Christ and his birth then put the Christ back in Christian and show us all what it really means. The burden of proof is on Christians for this one for they are the ones who demand that people believe they are the true way.

I had an epiphany about Christmas and that was I really just don't care anymore. I would love for a store to be open when I get bored and want something else to do even if I don't intend on purchasing items. Thankfully, my new area has three Chinese restaurants which will probably be open. If nothing else, I can enjoy a dish of dog balls covered in cat spit (admit it, you were thinking it too or in some other variation).

For what it's worth, I had an epiphany about my job too. I learned that I really didn't want a job - I just wanted a paycheck.

Furthermore, has it really come down to this? An annual naughty or nice list of businesses, based on the number of times, that have used the word Christmas in advertising? I've wondered if a business could boost their chances of being on the nice list just by saying Christmas in their advertisements over and over again even though they were an adult store.

I have seen these little posts that talk about how saying Christmas would be taboo soon and I don't think that's true. Besides, what is wrong with saying Merry Christmas to someone that wishes you a Happy Kwanzaa? I generally repeat back whatever the person says to me because it's not worth the time to say anything else. If someone says Happy Holidays and you want to wish them a Merry Christmas then do so - there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. If that person gets upset then they are no better than the Christians who demand Christmas instead of Xmas.

This holiday season, live and let live - within reason. Understand that this hatred and annoyance over a word simply isn't worth it in the end.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Organized Religion, Part 2! Who knew?

I had this crazy idea to write a post about various quotes made by various people who want to run this country into the ground with organized religion. I even titled the post, "You're killing me, Smalls!" Yes, the person that said that to me knows who she is and well would be offended if she wasn't brought up in my blog from time to time. But then I didn't realize until today that I would live through my post on organized religion. How? You ask. Well read that post by clicking here. Pay close attention to the options mentioned at the bottom about gay people and their lives. Take time to read number four.

This post is titled in this matter because I had said my peace on the matter and had no intentions of writing a second part to it. I don't intend on this blog to be vulgar or mean. Nothing can be farther from the truth. The reality is that by creating my blog and writing about the things that I am passionate about - I am hoping that people will recognize their behavior and control it better than they do now or eliminate it all together. But like forest fires, only YOU can control it.

I was thinking about going home during my vacation time in October but I mentioned the most horrible thing in the world - I wanted to bring my boyfriend with me. I wanted him to see my hometown and I wanted him to watch trains, down at the Folkston Funnel, with me. We could go to the Okefenokee Swamp late in the afternoon and watch the sun set from the tower. I had a plane ticket that I could use without charge and I even have certificates to make the hotel stay free. All I needed was a car rental and a plane ticket for him.

This trip has been put off indefinitely. Maybe someone out there is asking themselves why I would do that and well the answer is that I have been told I shouldn't force THAT on them. I've been reduced to a THAT. It sorta makes you feel like you aren't even a person anymore. Sort of like a slave that was three-fifths of a person - it took five slaves to make three people. Anywho, for those who don't like to click on links, this is the specific reference that I wanted you to read:

4. Find out what it was like for them to be told by their partner that he/she was invited to a family get together but only if they left their partner at home. He/She wasn't invited. Find out the pain inflicted on your partner because, while he/she wants to spend time with family, he/she refused to leave you home alone.

While I don't have to get a invitation to come home, it was put plainly that by bringing him, I would be forcing THAT on them. Although, in reality, he could have come but I couldn't expect to visit with everyone because not everyone would have been happy to see my new boyfriend. Sure, there would have been some who don't care and to those, I thank you.

Unfortunately, for me, I generally pick the worst times to talk about what's bothering me. This time was no exception - it was in a restaurant. No, I didn't break down into tears and I don't become obnoxiously loud but a seething anger did rise to the surface. Once I started talking about it, I couldn't keep the anger out of my voice. It wasn't directed at him and since he still comes around to see me - I'm sure he knows that. 

Being the gentleman that he is - he suggested that I go on home and visit with family - he would be here when I returned. But I have questions that need answers:

1. If I go home without him, When do I stand up for myself?
2. When do I tell others that it's not okay to treat others like they're lower than fingernail dirt?
3. When do I say, "Suck it up! He's part of my life and you'll have to see us both or no one at all."?
4. How many people must die before people will understand that their hateful rhetoric is hurting people?

I was told that the Bible tells them so. The Bible doesn't say that and there is debate that what verse people point to in Leviticus isn't actually what was written. Even if it does mean that - why do we ignore the other rules nearby? The Bible does say that you may stone your children for sassing you. The Bible does say that a man may marry more than one woman. The Bible does say that slavery is okay. The Bible does say that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they were fat and lazy and refused to help those in need. The Bible says a lot of things and we simply choose to ignore those verses.

What do you guy(s) think? Leave a comment - tell me how great I am or that I'm full of shit.

One last question and you should be honest with yourself: 

Why must it be this way?

Respectfully submitted,


Friday, August 12, 2011

Comcast Sucks ..... Sometimes!

I rarely have a complaint about Comcast because generally their service is quite reliable. But when they mess up or starting sucking, they suck big time. I will tell you my little story of how Comcast sucks.

About 3:00pm, on Monday, August 8th, on of their employees was outside tinkering with the poles that provide Comcast service. This employee disconnected my service in error but at the time of the outage, I was not aware of this. So I called Comcast for a little assistance and they tried everything or well, at least, I think everything because the employee and I had a small communication issue. The customer service person told me the best they could do is Friday, August 12th which I told him that would never work - if I had no internet, then I don't get paid and neither does Comcast. Miraculously, a "cancellation" appeared on Wednesday, August 10th. This time the agent said he couldn't get any better than that. I accepted that but he suggested I call periodically to see if anything opens up. So I called about 5 hours later to ask if anything new opened up. Not yet and I don't even want to get into the soothing (placating) voice woman who attempted to sell me Disney Movie Channels when my service was off. She tried hard too! Asked me if I had children or my nieces or nephews.

The next morning I called to check to see if anything opened up and nothing had opened yet. So I am talking with the hag and my neighbor says hello to me, so I say hello back and he starts up a conversation. During this time, I asked did he have Comcast and was it working. He confirmed that he did and that it was working. So it must be just me. He then said that there was a Comcast employee tinkering with the poles in the back yesterday about 3:00pm - which was about the time my service went out. So, at the urging of the hag, I called Comcast and explained that their employee had disconnected my service and that I want someone out here today as soon as possible to correct their error. This fucking cunt tells me that the best she can do is tomorrow, August 10th, between 1 - 4pm. I told her I already had an appointment earlier in the day for August 10th. The FC then asks, "Would you like me to call local dispatch and see if they have anything available?" I told her I would appreciate that and she said let me put you on hold for a few moments. The FC then comes back and says, "Will today between 2 - 5pm be okay for you?" I confirmed that I would be home and she says just one moment and puts me back on hold. She comes back and says, "Let me just get this confirmation in there and it's all set. Is there anything else I can do for you?" The back of my mind was screaming get the confirmation number but I told her everything was good and thanked the FC for getting that appointment for me. So I go to my house at 1:45pm and wait until about 4:15pm. Then I call Comcast.....and that's where the sucking vortex known as Comcast customer service kicks in. The customer service guy explains to me that there is no appointment for today at all and that my appointment is on August 10th between 1 - 4pm. He further explains that they have no way to call local dispatch to ask those kinds of questions. Oh, and he tells me I was misinformed! No. Your useless cunt of an agent outright lied to me. Misinformed is where you may have it slightly wrong. So, this fucking cunt not only lies to me about an appointment but also switches me from my August 10th, 10am - 1pm appointment to an August 10th, 1 - 4pm appointment. Do you see why she's a fucking cunt?

I attempted to call home office but they were already closed.

So I call back to Comcast and ask to speak to a supervisor. I got Gary, the Floor Supervisor, who wasn't much better help than the customer service people, to which, I had already spoken. He explains to me that my earlier appointment on August 10th was cancelled by their automated system because they had declared an outage in the area and the system automatically assumes that all service calls are because of the outage. He then proceeded to apologize profusely (never mind that I had already told him I am sick of the apologies as they don't mean squat since their employee disconnected my service in error and one of your reps (i.e. the fucking cunt) outright lied to me) and offered me a $20 credit on my next bill. $20! While I don't expect Comcast to make up the funds that I lost due to their stupidity, I do expect a little more than $20.

To add a little more insult to injury, the technician arrives on Wednesday at about 2:15pm, goes straight to the service pole, corrects the problem and then calls me on the phone to say you are right, our technician disconnected your service in error, please verify your services now work. HE DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING COME INSIDE!!

The problem really is that Comcast has no REAL competition out here. AT&T U-Verse is in the area but since their service arrives in the area on fiber optic cable but then flows into your house through your phone lines........My house is about 75 years old, so the phone lines are most likely useless. U-Verse even has some great things about it except that modem/router they give you will work for a while wirelessly but then that stops and you must hook directly into the modem/router to get the speeds you pay for. So, while Comcast isn't a TRUE monopoly, they are a monopoly nonetheless.

As the title suggests, Comcast sucks - sometimes and when they do, it's like they have a team in the Sucky Olympics to see which employees can qualify to suck and which can apologize the hardest without actually doing anything.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Gay Marriage: Why Organized Religion doesn't Work for me

Anyone who has read this blog knows that I am gay and that's okay - with me, of course. Admittedly, I really don't care what anyone else thinks about it solely for the fact that I have to live this life, not you or anyone else for that matter. You can read about that if you click here. So, as the title suggests, this particular post goes on about marriage.

Heterosexual marriage, Opposite marriage, Homosexual marriage, Same-Sex marriage - do we really need all these names for marriage? Can't we just say that Ouiser is married and let it go? Why do we have the need to verify, to all who can hear, what marriage that person is involved in?

Now I like to read a blog from Canada and while I rarely comment on it because most of the people have already said what I would have said. You can read her blog here, specifically her take on gay marriage and how (I could be wrong) it appears all industrialized nations laugh at us for being so stupid to inflict and allow harm to others due to our limited - yet personal - views on religion.

Two of the biggest arguments about gay marriage is that it's forbidden in the Bible and it'll ruin the sanctity of marriage. For the first one, your religious preferences have no place in our government. As a secular government, it must remain neutral to religion or the lack thereof. For you see, both are personal choices made by you. While one can argue that you were called to that religion or one could argue that there is no proof to support religion, it doesn't matter. Neither one belongs in government. The government is a necessary evil meant to protect us all from harm not only a select few. I find it interesting that we tiptoe around religion like it's a sacred artifact. Perhaps to you, it's sacred, but when you throw you and your religion out on the political stage, expect to be ridiculed. You can't say your peace and then expect the rest of us not to say anything at all. That would be like a girl hitting a boy and then saying, "I'm a girl and you can't hit me." but she put herself in a man's place; therefore, she accepts all that is coming.

For the second, and I've asked this question before, what are you saving marriage from? Surely, it's not the 50% divorce rate. Then again, if you allowed gays to be married, you would be adding more to the pool so the divorce rate would, in theory, go down but that is a probability problem for another day.

Procreation? No, that can't be it. After all, we allow single parents to have kids and adopt kids. We certainly don't terminate a parent's right to their children because they divorce. We also don't require you to sign a legal contract to have children, if you want to be married.

Because children need a mother and a father? No, that's not right either. For the same reasons listed above. What if that mother never dates again or remarries - she raises them on her own and that's quite hard but she still keeps her children.

It'll cause divorce when people turn gay? Not really but it wouldn't surprise me if a few people left their spouses to pursue their feelings they never acted on earlier. Even if you could point to that, the numbers won't be high enough to make a big deal out of it. Furthermore, that person didn't actually turn gay. They were gay their entire lives and are just now acting out on it.

Churches will be forced to marry people they don't like? No, we all know that isn't the case. Churches will turn down people to marry them solely for not being a member or because they don't want too. Nothing about this will change regardless of what others might lead you to believe.

Marriage is a religious institution? Technically, yes. Marriage has been a religious institution but government has its claws in it. So, if you want to say that it's a religious institution then government must revoke any and all tax benefits associated with the union. All those little extras some of you get in refunds or tax savings every year would simply go away. After all, government must remain neutral to all forms of religion or non-religion. But if you call it a government institution, then everyone should be included because again, government is meant to protect us all not just a few. This means the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) would have to go away. You can't have it both ways. Remember that DOMA was created to make the religious right feel better about themselves - not to mention sleep better at night knowing those pesky gays can't be like them.  I believe it was required to be passed in order to avoid holding up other legislation.

I don't understand all that goes on with religion and why people believe the rest of us should be inflicted with their personal choice. It reminds me of something I heard and can't quite remember where or perhaps I made it up for the giggles.....who knows? The speaker wanted to know why does every one else have to suffer with their obvious bad taste and lack of maturity. While religious choice isn't in bad taste or lack of maturity, I can make an argument for both. There are, of course, always exceptions to the rule but sadly those are exceptions not the norm.

So, in the end, it has to be one way or the other. You either keep it as a religious institution and lose some benefits that the government gives for being married or you release that notion and allow all others to join the union. I suppose that it could stay the way it is now and I certainly hope you'll feel better about yourself in the end.

If you think that there's nothing wrong with the status quo then perhaps you should do one of the following (your choice, pick one):

1. Spend time with a gay person at the deathbed of their dying partner. Ask them what is going to happen to them when their partner dies. Actually listen to their answer.

2. Watch as a gay person is rejected while attempting to spend time with their partner. The hospital says that only family is allowed to be in the room. Since you aren't married, you can't go in.

3. Ask this same gay person what they are feeling as they read the note from their partner's family attorney telling them that they cannot attend their partner's funeral because that family doesn't want them there. That their partner's family denies them access to their home because, they aren't married, so everything in the partner's home (including the home) goes to next of kin. Find out what it's like to be kicked to the curb because your partner's family never liked you because they felt you are the reason he/she was gay to begin with.

4. Find out what it was like for them to be told by their partner that he/she was invited to a family get together but only if they left their partner at home. He/She wasn't invited. Find out the pain inflicted on your partner because, while he/she wants to spend time with family, he/she refused to leave you home alone.

The simple words of "I do." mean everything to those who can't get married. This, one of the shortest sentence in the world, could make all the difference to the person mentioned above.

Realize that every second in this life is precious and that everyone deserves the right to make every second count. Take time to think about what really makes you happy and realize that happiness is one of life's fleeting ideas that most people can't hold on too. It really pains me to see that there are people in this world who take absolute joy and glee out of making another person's life miserable.

For these reasons and more, I reject organized religion. I never want to feel like that again.


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Passages of the Bible

You'll be amazed what the Bible says on various subjects. Here are a few excerpts taken from the King James Version. Read the verses and tell me what you are thinking. Below each verse, I will give you my take on it. 

Exodus 21:2-6:
"If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. [3] If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself: if he were married, then his wife shall go out with him. [4] If his master have given him a wife, and she have born him sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out by himself. [5] And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free: [6] Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul; and he shall serve him for ever."

In this verse, the Bible talks about slavery. Notice the man can buy a Hebrew servant. At first, I thought this verse was speaking of enslaving people that owed you money but where I got that fanciful idea is beyond me. Let's talk about this one - you can buy a slave. Now no one here, in America, is going to let you buy them with the exception of street corner entertainment centers and ladies/gentlemen of the day/night. But we also know that slavery is illegal here. I suppose the one good thing is that if he comes in with a wife then she will leave with him but if the master gives him a wife and she bears him children - the wife and children stay with the master. If the slave loves his family enough to stay in servitude forever then he may say this to his master who will then take him into town and place a mark in his ear which will signify that he forever in servitude to this master.

Exodus 21:7-9: "And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do. [8] If she please not her master, who hath betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her. [9] And if he have betrothed her unto his son, he shall deal with her after the manner of daughters."

A man can sell his daughter into slavery. If she doesn't please this master (and I assume here that betrothed means married), then she can be redeemed by selling her to a strange nation (again, I assume this means to another nation or tribe not of his own). If he gives her to his son, then she may be dealt with as though she were his daughter.

Exodus 21:10-11: "If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish. [11] And if he do not these three unto her, then shall she go out free without money."

This one here is a real charmer. A man may have multiple wives. If he should take on another wife then the first wife cannot be slighted in any manner. He must treat each wife as well as the others. However, if this should not happen then the unhappy wife may leave but he owes her nothing. Can you imagine the women of today allowing that to happen? Sure, there are some that wouldn't mind. But think about it....not many women are willing to leave with nothing. Could you imagine your husband getting a second or third wife (you have no say in this) and then treating you as though you are less than the others? You could leave but he owes you nothing. It makes one wonder what would be the point, if the man loses nothing?

Exodus 21:12-13: "He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death. [13] And if a man lie not in wait, but God deliver him into his hand; then I will appoint thee a place whither he shall flee."

It's okay to murder someone provided that God delivered him to you. Premeditation isn't allowed (you can't plan out your murder). How you determine whether he was delivered to you or not - I'm not sure. Any thoughts on that one?

Ezekiel 16:49: "Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom: pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy."

This one is a truly a diamond in the rough. These people were proud, fat, lazy and they didn't attempt to help those in need. I don't know what the needy actually needed but I would assume clothes, food, money and just general assistance to help them get on their feet. I would suggest that the government help them on their feet but after that they must be productive members of society or forever be poor. Maybe the US Government should follow that line of logic. Of course, my line of logic has flaws in it but what plan doesn't?

Now to wrap this all up. All of these verse deal with something modern to us or well within the last 150 or so years.  We've talked about slavery, selling your children into slavery or marriage, murder and marriage. Of these, three of them are illegal. The fourth one is illegal if you don't have the proper plumbing or live in certain states.

Then finally, we have Sodom and why she was destroyed. There's nothing in there about homosexuality. The verse even talks about daughters (while the story mentions men), so that would suggest there were men and women there. Does that mean they had no homosexuals? No. The verse simply tells you that homosexuality wasn't the cause.

These are laws in the Old Testament. Why don't people own up to these? Why don't they petition their lawmakers to enact these laws? Why do people so conveniently ignore rules that could possibly apply to them but then when it comes to homosexuals....those laws should be in effect? Why are people so scared that homosexuals will ruin marriage or anything else for that matter? These days, when you get married, it's a 50% chance you will fail in your marriage. It would appear that marriage is already losing ground under those that can get married but we should also consider that people stayed married out of need not necessarily out of love.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

God's Warriors - Part Two

I realize this took me a little while to actually post this one but it finally hit me what I wanted to blog about this time. I should also point out the purpose of this blog is to make people think. Not change their minds or even bash Christians. You have to admit religion makes fun of itself.

I got the most fascinating email today forwarded to me twice so apparently it's true. Although I'm about to explain to you how it can't be.

Apparently, Madeline Murray O'Hair is at it again! She's trying to get all Christian Broadcasting removed from the airwaves. This email told me that there are 275,000 signatures supporting this and that the bill is currently making its way through Congress and the Senate. They needed all the signatures they could get to stop this horrid woman from doing this. The email also states that the show, "Touched By an Angel" was taken off the air for using the word "god" in every episode.

Let's talk about this for just a moment. Madeline Murray O'Hair is the woman who successfully had the public demonstration of prayer removed from public schools. Let me explain to you what this actually means. It means you are permitted to pray in school; however, you must keep it to yourself. If you want to pray over your meal - permitted. If you want to stand up and hold hands to pray aloud - not permitted. Also, anyone employed by the school system isn't permitted to teach religion - of any sort - except under a format designed to teach religion's origins and history. Those of you who believe you need to put prayer back in school need to understand that prayer never actually left school. At any rate, I do wish people would stop passing this email around. Madeline Murray O'Hair isn't doing anything - the woman is dead. She had wrote about something an employee had done and he decided that she didn't deserve to live. Not only that but her son and granddaughter didn't need to live either. I'm guessing they must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her remains were found when the killer pointed the police in the right direction.

There are no current bills working their way through Senate or Congress on this topic. Enough said.

From my understanding, "Touched by an Angel" was removed because the lead, Della Reese, was no longer interested in playing the part. When she decided to step down - CBS wasn't stupid. The show wouldn't have lasted too much longer with someone else in that part. Here's something that you probably didn't know: Touched by an Angel was cancelled after its first season; however, a letter writing campaign brought the show back for seasons 2 - 8. Letter writing campaigns don't always work but in some cases, they do. Personally, I liked that show.
This one was long winded but you should see what I cut out of it. There's another whole blog just out of those pieces but that's for another week.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

God's Warriors - Part One

For the most part, I generally do not care who or what you believe in. You can believe in God, Jesus Christ, the Goddess, multiple Gods, Kali, Allah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Heaven, Hell, the Summerland or even the Void of Nirvana. That, I believe, is your right. In theory, everyone in the world has that right. Whether there's a state run religion or not, you can still believe as you choose but you dare not say anything because you never know what you might lose. So I will stay in America with these thoughts. Everyone has the right to believe the way they want but there is always a section of society that won't be happy until you believe the way that they do. I could be wrong but I would guess these people want a theocracy. For those who don't know - a theocracy is "a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god." This doesn't sound remotely great and if you think it does, I believe you need a full body scan to check for issues. The rules of the Bible cover many issues and just because you ignore them now, doesn't mean you will be able to ignore them then.

However, if you have not noticed - Christians tend to take the lead on this one. They seem to think it is their goal in life to convert everyone to their way of thinking which I know the Bible says that they should make all men God's disciples. But it would seem to me, here in the 21st century, that since we all have free will (created by God or so I've heard) then we should be able to say, "No, Thank you." and that would be the end of it. I have learned that I am sadly mistaken in that particular idea. I think it's rather twisted how they also say that gay people try to pervert people to their way of life but can't seem to notice they do it themselves (but, of course, this is all for the glory of their god)! Do you honestly think that your god needs your help to convert souls to your cause? How great can your god be if he/she/it needs human intervention? Does this mean you should never talk about your religion? No, it means that when the information is solicited by another person then by all means - give it your best shot. But don't beat down a stranger's door with your good news. I will say here though that people who go door to door bringing possibly lost people the news of God has got some big ones. I could never do it myself but to walk up on a stranger's porch then knock on the door and start preaching has got to take some courage and faith. But please, I am happy with the way that I am, so you can leave my door alone. We can discuss later if I could ever REALLY be happy with myself but you should know that my happiness is in, no way, yours to decide.

I tend to get tired of people telling me that there is something wrong with me. I really don't need anyone's help with this because I already know I have issues. Go figure! Something like that coming from imperfect human beings. It's presented in a take it or leave it format and well I choose to leave it. I used to consider myself an agnostic meaning that I neither confirm or deny the existence of a god, gods or goddess and I still do to some degree. I like to think that there is a god out there - one who should be awed, talked too and walked hand in hand with but certainly not feared or crawled to, begging for mercy, on your knees. One should understand though that if this proof can be found, I would like to know it. I am one person who is happy to change my outlook on things if it can be proven to my satisfaction.

I might as well admit it, I'm gay! Damn, I feel better already. It's like a weight as been lifted off my chest and I'll probably feel better once I get the rest of it off my chest but that takes time, eating right and exercise. One of my apparent issues is that I'm gay and oddly enough, I am okay with that. I find it hard to believe that my gayness is in any way a chosen state. I don't remember making that choice but hell, if a Christian says it then it must be true! Now for another revelation, I have been told numerous times, that I am going to hell - some people say in a bus and others tell me in a hand basket. I've even been told that I'm going there via Fed Ex though they failed to mention whether it was same day, overnight before 12pm, overnight after 12pm, two day or by Fed Ex ground. No, that's not the revelation but this is - I'm okay with that too. Before you gasp, yes, it took me a little bit to get there but finally the fear left me and I've been okay ever since - I've even calmed down a little. Something that, depending on who you are, has been noticed or not noticed. I told someone once that I was made of sugar and I might melt if I stepped outside in the summer heat. Do you know what she say to me? She say some vulgar and lewd and lascivious words like shit doesn't melt. I told her that there are enlightened people out there and she says of course there are, namely people that don't know you. Horrible! But I will get you, my little pretty, and your big dog too!

Damn! A tangent, let's get back to the story.

From what I understand, it's because I had a bad first date with a girl and had no father figure in my life to guide me. So, I turned to men because I was mortified by a girl who I thought was stupid to begin with and because I am looking for the father figure in my life. Let me explain something to you people - I do not need anyone's help with this. I do not miss nor want a father for any reason. If all things happen for a reason then apparently it would have been a bad thing for me to have a father. You can't have it both ways - you can't say that everything happens for a reason but then make excuses for why things are the way they are. You can't say that I didn't have a father and that's why I am gay. Then say all things happen for a reason. If this is the case then I am gay and had no dad for a reason people! I'm sorry for those who believe they have to explain away life and then call it faith.

Speaking of faith - there is a sign that reads "Faith isn't blind - it's revolutionary!" I can agree with that only on the basis that faith, in and of itself, isn't blind. It's the believer who makes it that way. Faith is a way of believing those things that cannot be proven. Is it faith to say all people are fake in their Christianity because they do not believe as the speaker chooses to believe? I find the whole thing totally revolting and unfortunately most people cannot see how their own lives are causing people to dislike what they perceive as true and righteous.

Let me be honest here, I am so sick of what is permeated through out this country as what must be done instead of letting people make up their own mind. Some things are created and chosen for you while the other things are chosen by the user. Don't you think that everyone should be better off if they were allowed to make up their own mind?

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that if this is Part One did you leave anything for Part Two? I did but you are welcome to leave a comment if the blog loses you at any point in time and I mean for wordy reasons. If you don't agree with me, you can leave a comment too but try to be respectful about it. I have noticed that some Christians have a hard time being respectful of those that don't agree with them.