Thursday, May 31, 2012

Marriage Equality

I'm pretty sure that there will be people that do not agree with me. To them, I say good for you. You don't even have to like me but please, have balls, and say so - don't pretend. It's a nasty way to be and a waste of your energy. I have no want, need or desire for anyone to act like me and let's be honest - I am one hard act to follow.

There have been upsets on my Facebook wall and well, at this point, I'll let the chips fall where they may. Even for the most protected. It's unfortunate that it has come to this but if you have the balls to say something on my wall then you need to have the balls to accept whatever is said to you. It's odd how christians want to jump into the political foray and then demand that their religion is respected. I do think it takes balls to be that blatantly hypocritical about it.  Just like that church in Indiana had a toddler singing, "No homos gonna go to heaven" and then the adults gave the kid a standing ovation. Don't believe me? Check out the video on YouTube by clicking here. They want to teach their kids stuff like that and then claim gays are the worst people that can happen to a child.  Absolutely stunning! The blatant hypocrisy blinds me. This should be considered child abuse. While I assume that there are some churches out there that don't give a whit about what goes on outside their walls and community provided that it doesn't hurt them.

One should know that the people that take the time to rile up people about gay marriage equality. You know those people who make money through collections, donations or someone buying into their clap-trap? The televangelists, journalists at fox news, conventions and politicans. They know people are easily scared into thinking something wrong will befall them if the gays get married and will throw money at them to stop this seemingly bad thing. They say that marriage hasn't changed in thousands of years but oddly enough Mitt Romney's grandfather moved to Mexico so that he could keep his five wives. Interracial couples won the fight to be married. Women are no longer traded like common cattle as they once were. But marriage hasn't changed. If you believe that then you apparently don't follow your history very well. This applies to quite a few blacks who don't agree with marriage equality but are in an interracial couple or don't remember that slaves had to have permission to be married or to do so in secret and it wasn't recognized. Even at one time were not considered a whole person. Now, we have the same problem and for a group of people who make it all about slavery.....they don't want to recognize other people are having the same problem. It's almost shameful behavior. Yes, I am dragging up history but whoever said those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it wasn't too far off the mark.

To those of you who may or may not know, I am not an Atheist but rather an Agnostic. I like to think there is a God(s)/Goddess(es) out there but I don't know for sure. There is a word for people who aren't sure if God(s) or Goddess(es) exist but choose to live their lives as though they do knowing full well that they may not. For the most part, I look at God/Goddess a bit differently than most people and I have come to understand him/her on my own terms. If those terms don't suit you then I suppose that's okay:

I do my thing and you do yours.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it's probably for the best.

Ouiser will be back touring Atlanta on June 29th. June 30th to my hometown then July 2nd to Savannah then back to Atlanta to catch my flight home on July 3rd. So there are my travel plans if you want to stalk me.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This is how I see Things.....Part 2

Perhaps this post will be a little more toned down and maybe not. I suppose it all depends on how much you agree or disagree with me. Having said that, you are, of course, permitted to disagree with me - it's all part of that precious gift called Free Will. But this doesn't mean I won't call you out on your bullshit. Off we go with another thrilling chapter of Ouiser's "How I see Things....."

I posted the following picture on Facebook the other day. Most of the stuff that I post doesn't get noticed so I was expecting pretty much the same as usual but this is not what happened. At any rate, this is the picture I posted:

I posted this because I like and believe the message. You have simply to read my first installment in this series and you can see for yourself. I'll be kind and post a link for you here. But I am going to let you in on some of what transpired. Hopefully, I won't bore you because there are two other pictures I want to post that had some following to it. I won't name anyone but I can't guarantee that I won't use direct quotes as written on my page. If anyone recognizes their writing and wishes to have it removed, then you can go to Helen Waite. She's the editor here at Ouiser's Unmentionables. Besides, one would assume that if you posted it on any Facebook page, you are doing two things: 1) Showing that you are not embarrassed by what you said and 2) Giving the page owner license and rights in perpetuity to use it.

These are the points I was trying to make with this particular line which deals with marriage --
Gay men and women can:

  • Be denied housing in some states.
  • Be fired or not hired solely for being gay.
  • Denied hospital visits because we aren't married.
  • Are told every day that our relationships aren't valid by our own government because it's not politically viable to say so.
  • Pay higher tax rates because we can't file as married filing jointly or separately. (In theory, you can file but then you have to wait at least 3 years hoping the IRS doesn't catch on. If they do, it can be considered fraud and then taxes, interest and penalties apply from the date the filing was done. Fraud may also carry jail time. Publication 501 specifically states that for purposed of filing taxes as married jointly or separately - only unions between a man and a woman would be considered. File separately or possibly have the IRS riding your ass - you make that choice. As for me, I can't be bothered with them like that).
  • have everything taken away from them when their partner dies because their family doesn't like you and well you aren't married, so you aren't family.
So before you say that your rights are being denied or go to vote against someone because you won't take the time to learn about it yourself, think of those things. These things you take for granted are very real helps to other people. You don't have to agree with gays but at the very least, you can think for yourself (I write evangelicals because these are the ones with the most issues with gay people, not all Christians).

This is one of the comments mentioned by someone during this whole debacle: A hate monger is someone who physically, emotionally or mentally harms you. I'm sorry but I do not believe you are born gay, it is a choice, but that is my belief. From Christian perspective I believe it is innately wrong.

Tell me, what do you think it does to a person who has to hear constantly that they made a choice to be gay when they know they never did? What do you think it does to a person when people vote to deny them rights and access to benefits of being married? Do you honestly think that doesn't emotionally or mentally harm someone? Are you really that delusional to believe that you can say things like that and not harm someone, in some way? Never mind that the APA removed homosexuality from the list of disorders back in 1973 and you people have nothing better to cling to other than some words transcribed over 2,000 years ago. So, I take it that the Christians that don't care if someone is gay and do not care if two men or women get married have it all wrong? Deceived by the devil are they?

Find something else to talk about. In short, the answer is no. I will talk about whatever I want, whenever I want. Is this another right that evangelicals want to take away? Could be, I'm not sure but I'm pretty certain that would not be the case but I can make up crazy ideas too.

It was asked whether or not the participants actually vote their conscience. My answer to that is no, I do not. I think Christianity should be taken down a peg but would I vote to stop them from being who or what they are? No, I couldn't do that because I actually care for other people regardless of my personal beliefs. Yes, I am aware that the same care isn't returned to me but as I stated on another page - evangelicals are doing more to hurt themselves than I ever could.

The basic idea behind this post was the idea that all of this voting that we do in order to give gay people the ability to marry seems oddly out of place. You know like slavery except it's all races involved. Evangelicals go to the voting booths with gusto and glee so that can stop those pesky homosexuals from having the same rights. Yet, no one seems to know why. They all have vague reasons.

A dear friend tells me today that I have to stop being upset at religion and she explained that it's not religion that's the culprit - it's people. She has a very valid point. The message is from a/the God(s) but it's people that take the message and pervert it into whatever makes them money and unfortunately it's the blind sheep that are all too happy to send money to these people and all they really pay for is that television studio, the clothes they wear, salaries and all of the assorted accouterments that go into begging for money on TV.

Another person told me that they are okay with gays, they simply don't approve. I replied to that person telling them that their approval is neither needed nor desired. I have more compassion in my little finger than someone who can look at me and say I love you and then turn and vote against my rights because they do not approve. It takes unmitigated gall to do something like that and still claim that you love me and support me and wish me only happiness except the things I think you shouldn't have. What a fucked up world we live in!

You know, I thought at one time, if it come up to a vote, that I would vote to destroy religion. But the reality is that I can't stoop to the level of those who believe they are Christ-like. Imagine that! I'm evil but almost 100% of the time, I am a better person than most people who are evangelicals. That begs the question...if that makes me evil then what are they?


Thursday, April 5, 2012

This is how I see things ......

Ouiser has determined that it's time to speak her mind. You might be thinking that she always does this but this is not the case. In some cases, I state my opinion but do not go out of my way to be nasty about it. Besides, I know that my readership is quite small and even if it were larger, it most likely wouldn't change minds.

So, without further ado, this is how I see things.

Marriage: Really? Have you nothing better to do than bother about what other people want to do in their lives? Seriously ask yourself, who does it harm? It certainly isn't you. A small number of states have passed this legislation and nothing has happened to them - at all. NOTHING. Imagine the large countries that have passed this and again nothing happened to them. Let me be perfectly clear -- Nothing will happen to you or anyone else. Besides, by attempting to ban any sort of same sex marriage, you already admit that the governments and our constitution allow it.

Here's a thought: Go read and study your Bible. Then apply the scriptures to YOUR lives not mine. Stop being a parrot for the church and use the brain that god gave you. Most of you should be embarrassed that I'm more Christ-like than you are and know more about the Bible.

Think! It really isn't that hard. Seriously, you have a church that wants to condemn gays but yet has the unmitigated gaul to cover up their own priests misdeeds. Furthermore, 98% of the women in the church have used birth control and yet, their own leadership condemns it. Someone is not in touch with their parishioners and given their priests proclivities, it's probably a good thing!

There is no, "well that country is not under god's protection". Bullshit! Even if that were the case, you god has no business in government at all. Keep your god at your home and your church. Anywhere else is just overkill.

I had some nut job, uh, I mean interesting person on Pinterest comment on one of my pins by telling me that marriage was a gift from god. Is that so? Well, take your gift and make it so but you'll have to give up all the benefits the government bestows on your "gift" because it's a gift from god, not the government and since the government can't show favoritism towards religion or non-religion. The easy answer to fix this problem is to let everyone have a go at it. If you want to still consider it a gift from god, you may do so but the rest of the country doesn't have too and the government can't.

I don't remember voting on your marriage, so lay your paws off mine. Since when did you have the right to decide what other people should have? Should I start a petition dissolving all marriages? Can we vote on that? Again, most of you should be ashamed of yourselves for even thinking you have the right to bestow rights upon me that are already mine to have - how fucking dare you! The nerve of how some of you think it's up to you and then you wonder why I have absolutely no respect for the religions that you think so high and mighty of.

Taxes: Would you like to see more taxes in the coffers? I think you should tax the churches. Why not?  All that land out there with holy buildings on them that are a rich source of income. When you think of all the preachers who tell people how to vote from the pulpit (thereby entering the political arena) are breaking federal law. But, of course, for that to matter the IRS has to know and actually care. If it isn't worth their time, then they aren't going to check it out. Not to mention that some of these churches are simply a hiding place for some people to avoid taxes by calling their income - church income or preacher income.

I'm not 100% sure that the Fair Tax would be the answer but it seems like it. I'd be willing to wager that it's better than what we have now. I'm tired of having the government eat up my paycheck because I'm in a same sex relationship, I don't get to file for the lower tax rates that married filing jointly or even Head of Household can do. I refuse to have rug rats that take up all your time, attention and money. The tax benefits of such aren't worth it in the long run. Never mind, that it would be disappointing to be raising decent children and be the exception not the norm.

Public Square: This is the area of your village, town, city, county or state that is government property and as such, publicly owned and operated. This area is for the use and recreation of the public meaning you, me and well anyone that is a citizen of the United States and officially registered visitors (meaning people who have passports and the visas required to visit, work, live or go to school). This area must represent everyone, not just a few. The neighboring village north of here has a nativity scene right in front of their sign during Christmas. It should be a disgrace but no one says anything. I was in a foul mood one day and was thinking about saying something to have it removed but I forgot then never said anything when I remembered. Even so, it's not harming anyone - so why should I care? Furthermore, I'm not sure the area they use is public or private. One would assume since it's in front of the Welcome sign for the Village then it's public but it's also across the street from a well heeled Nazarene school too, so it could be their land.  But, if it were public, then everyone should be allowed to put something up.  Then again, I'm sure some "well meaning 'christian'" (term used extremely loosely, so loosely, it would feel like a hot dog being thrown down a hallway) would eventually tear it down in a fit of christian outrage.

I like this quote:

Some people say homosexuality is a sin. It’s not. God is perfectly cool with it, God feels the exact same way about homosexuality that God feels about heterosexuality. Now you might say, ‘Whoa, slow down. You move too fast. How could you have the audacity, the temerity, to speak on behalf of God?’ Exactly, that’s an excellent point and I pray that you remember it.

This this warning picture:

I know it seems that I am being rather mean and angry at the church and it's for good reason. The church, for the most part, has shown over and over again that they don't care about people unless they can do things the way they want too or you donate to their cause. Think about it. Everyone that the church demonizes generally doesn't go and therefore doesn't contribute. Then they want to petition to government that they shouldn't have to follow the laws that they feel are against their religion but they should have every right to apply for government funding, grants and contracts. When government says no, you aren't permitted to do so if you want to participate in government funds and contracts. They, like little sniveling children, gather up all their toys and go home - refusing to help anyone.  How, exactly, does this show Christ's love? I understand not performing weddings and such for couples you don't agree with but then refusing to help those most in need because the government won't give you a special loophole? Yeah, that's just steeps in Christian love.  They've had a number of scapegoats throughout history and gays are just the latest. I'm not positive who will be next...maybe they'll start picking on other religions in gusto.

Folks, there is a difference between being religious and being faithful (you can say moral here). These terms aren't necessarily mutually exclusive but, in some cases, you find that you can have one but not the other. Since religion tends to override everything else. You do not need the church to be a good person or even to believe in God for that matter. There is no need to throw money away at the church when you could use it for something else more important that actually helps you. By that, I mean, you don't need the church for instruction in how to see God, walk with God or even talk with God. The church isn't necessary for you to grow and mature in your faith. So I implore you to dump the ditz, flounce the floozy and ditch the bitch then make the switch to talking and understanding God on your own terms. There is simply no better way to understand God and trust me, you'll feel heaps better when the guilt has washed away from your soul.


Friday, March 2, 2012

An attempt to be inspirational....

I wrote a blog post last month or maybe in January that questioned if it actually gets better. I answered the question with a yes and an explanation. You can read the blog post here.

Now Chris of Facebook page and blog called From the Bungalow has issued a writing challenge based on music.

I like to think that I am a halfway decent writer and I suppose, in the end, that's all that matters - that I was happy with what I did. At any rate, as I mentioned earlier, I wrote this blog in January and I found a song that works. I'm going to attempt to update it with lyrics and see where it goes but it's possible a new blog will come out of it. I think this is an important cause so I have included the links to Amazon and iTunes.

The song is "It Does Get Better" by The L Project.
Music & Words by Georgey Payne.

You can find their Facebook Page by clicking here: The L Project
You can purchase the song at most download sites: Amazon and iTunes

Could you walk through a town, see a boy beaten down 'gainst a wall,
And think nothing at all? But you think nothing at all.

This is a great question. Could you really do that? Would you think better him than me or even worse that whatever it is he probably deserves that treatment? I suppose in this day and age it is easier to pretend you saw nothing at all. You never know how sick those doing the beating really are....will they come after you next? Or would they be like most bullies and back down immediately solely because they've never had anyone speak up to them before. It's almost the same thing they ask on the show, "What Would you do?"

For the ones who can't see or not hear any sounds in this life,
Try to feel what that's like? 'Cause no one gets to decide.

This song deals with the rash of gay suicides that happen because there are so many who aren't strong enough to stand up to their tormentors. The lyrics are attempting to get someone to understand that there are things that you can't control in this life and no one gets to decide what happens to you. It wants you to place yourself in a world where you can't see or perhaps can't hear. Try to feel what that's like. On the flip side of the coin, imagine that you're gay and despite what people say, you know you didn't choose this life. No one gets to decide these things.

When days don't seem right just shine,
'Cause this life is yours and mine.
On a day like today when you're walking away,
Hold your head up so high, 'cause I tell you from here...
That you've come so far, and always be who you are.
When your head hits the floor, and you're bleeding some more,
Let me tell you I swear...
That it does get better... from where you are.

There are always going to be days where you just simply don't feel your best. Maybe you are coming down with something or perhaps you just broke up with the one you thought was The One. Maybe your parents didn't take your coming out all that well or perhaps you were taunted and beaten up. Just by being yourself, you have already come far. You could even say for simply for being hated for what you  are rather than loved for what you aren't. It does get better from here. You might stand up for yourself or you might just grow older or maybe both. For me, it was simply growing older and letting go. Religion tormented me for years and I finally let it go. I've prayed to God after sex to forgive me for what I have just done. I even worried that one day God will turn his back on me because I ask for forgiveness for the same thing over and over again. I even asked to not be gay anymore and probably 20 years since that first prayer, I'm still gay. I've come to the realization that being gay is what I am meant to be and I make no apologies for it. My demons were my own and I had to stand up to them just like I would have an actual human.

For all those men in their skirts, all the boys loving boys
And the girls loving girls, I tell you it does get better.

Simply put transgender, drag queens, drag kings, gay men and lesbians. It will all get better in time. There will be no overnight results but trust that it will get better.

For all the lovers who have smiled
As they walked down the aisle in this life,
Saying beautiful words, they were finally heard.
And all the women and the men who've marched time and again
For this fight, they were finally right,
Now we're all breathing life...

There are now eight states that allow gay marriage. It does make you wonder why must their be the distinction and I really can't answer that question. After all, when Massachusetts allowed gay couples to wed there were a slew of states that specifically banned gay marriages against their own Constitutions (which promise that every one in the state has the same equal rights). If gay couples couldn't have gotten married previous to this time then why the rush to ban it outright? The lyrics go on to talk about how these couples are now saying their vows with the recognition from, at least, the state they live in. Their voices were finally heard by others and it's an accumulation of all those men and women who came before them. Those who marched for our rights time and time again. Whether it be for black people, women, interracial couples or gay couples. All those countless men and women who marched over and over again to show where they stand. Some were maimed or even killed for standing up but if not for them, it's very well possible that these couples now wouldn't be saying their vows. And now that they don't have to hide their love, they can finally breathe in life and all that it can offer.

And now that we've come so far, and always stay who you are.
When we're walking so gay, hold your head high and say,
For the ones who can't see from the challenges feared,
"You're not on your own, together were stronger,
Never get thrown". When you're feeling so small,
get your back off that wall, will you open your eyes?

Now that you've made it this far, don't back down and always stay true to yourself despite what everyone else may think you need to be. No one said it would be easy, they just said it would get better. Once you are holding your head up high and you are staying true to yourself be a beacon for those who can't see that far ahead because they fear the challenges that may or may not come. Their so blinded by fear that they see nothing good coming out of being themselves. But you can be that light to remind them that they are not alone, someone has trod down this path before and can be a huge help. Just when you think that you a small and are backed up against a wall, open your eyes to the possibility of those things around you. A friend once said that she was told that if you close one door another door will open but she's closed several doors and the new one never opens. I told her that as she closes doors, new ones will "open" but she has to take the initiative and courage to turn the knob and walk through.

'Cause I tell you it does get better... from where you are.
And if that sky up above sees the children you've loved,
And all the families you've grown, from first being told "no,"
It get's better from where we are.
For all those men in their skirts, all the girls who eat dirt,
All the boys loving boys and the girls loving girls,
It gets better...

And now that we've come so far, and always stay who you are,
For all those men in their skirts, all the boys loving boys
And the girls loving girls... I tell you it does get better...

I chose this song because it makes my face leak every time that I hear it. I'll be honest and say that my life has never been as bad as some have it today. I did, at one time, fear owning a gun because I was worried that I couldn't trust myself with it.  I never actually contemplated suicide but at the same time, I didn't want to have the tools at my disposal in case things ever got that bad.  I still don't own a gun and probably never will; although, I like to think I could use one if someone ever threatened me or my family.

The only thing I can tell you is that it does get better. I wish I could tell you it's better now but with the proliferation of parents who don't actually want to parent (and expect someone else to do it for them), it probably won't get better until you're older. Also understand that some people are just mean for sport and others are mean simply because no one has ever stood up to them or because they don't know any other way to be. Some people wrap their evil up in the American flag and carry a cross. They'll work that tired Christian drag for all its worth.

Just know that "It Does Get Better".

Monday, February 6, 2012


The title of this post is imagine because I want you to imagine a few things with me. I'm sorta vamping here so it might be a short post or it might be a rather long post. This blog will probably be a little touchy but that's why it's called Unmentionables. When I first thought of the starting points of this blog, I thought about the song, "Imagine" by John Lennon which has a line that says, "Imagine no religion too." Sounds horrible doesn't it? The truth is that it does even to me. Religion has a place in this world but ruling it isn't it. Before you argue, the song speaks of quite a few things that if we could just imagine without and I think the main thing is that the song talks about the things that divide us. Not only those things that divide us but the things that we allow to divide us -- religion being one and politics being another.

Imagine (Straight, Married People).....

That your marriage was invalid or that you couldn't get married. What would it feel like if you could only get married in a handful of states? What if only those involved in homosexual relationships could marry and they begrudgingly allowed those of you in heterosexual marriages to get married but only if was put to a popular vote -- a popular vote among a largely homosexual population? What if the homosexuals kept saying no because you'll pro-create? because you're unnatural? because their God says so (which is the only God, by the way) even though they can't prove it and even if they could - they conveniently forget the other laws in the Bible? Have you imagined that?

Imagine (Black people).....

That your ancestors didn't fight the way that they did for their freedoms. Think about what you have today -- homes, children (that you choose to have), political office, being considered a whole person (or even being counted for that matter), choosing where you work and what you do for a living, going to school for that higher education and basically the right to be who you are with who you want to be. All of this could be wiped away if it hadn't been for your ancestors choosing to fight and their allies fighting with them. Now what if it was your rights on display? What if you wanted to marry? What if the politicians answer was let's put it up to a popular vote -- among a largely white population (obviously if we are voting on you're ability to marry then you can't vote). Does that make you mad? It should. It was all a reality at one point in time. But, for whatever reason, you are content with doing that to gay people. You are okay with denying gay people every single right that you have. So imagine what it would be like to want something but have to go through the majority to get it. You shouldn't have to imagine too long because it really wasn't that long ago. For those of you in an interracial relationship, it was less than 50 years ago and yet, here you are willing to impose the same narrow view that was imposed on you just a short 5 decades ago. Imagine if Loving hadn't filed suit against The Commonwealth of Virginia.

Imagine (Christian folk).....

That there was no religion or what religion you had was banned or you could be killed for possessing contraband items or worse yet, just simply refusing to say, "I'll believe your way." and, of course, you'd have to mean it with conviction (even if you didn't really mean it). You'd have to imagine a little further but still reading good book on history will remind you that at one point in time, in England (before American was a blip on the screen), that's what happened. A new king (or queen) would assume the throne and the religion of the court would change and the monarchy would send out people to convert those heathens to the correct religion even if it meant killing them. Some of you might even be surprised to learn that America was founded on principles to avoid this from happening. You see - the founding fathers knew that government and religion wasn't a good mix and it still isn't today. Some of you might even be thinking we would never do that to people in America but are you sure? How many gays, blacks and whites have died because of religion? Does the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 ring a bell? No? How about slavery? Still nothing? How about interracial relationships? If you are having a hard time, let me help you - religion - religion was the root of all of this evil. The Bible and even God's name was invoked to keep witches burning at the stake, blacks in chains and the races separated. Equal but separate....sounds familiar doesn't it?

This country was started in 1620 or well at least that's when the first settlers landed and wanted to start a new world free of British rule and state imposed religion. Now here it is almost 400 years later and we are still living the same nightmare over and over again. We, as a nation, have failed to learn our lessons and for that - we are repeating history.

Finally, I leave you with - Imagine.....

Imagine someone saying that you had to live your life in a way that made them happy. Your happiness isn't considered, needed or wanted. Imagine how that would make you feel. Less than fingernail dirt (thanks M for this phrase)? Less deserving of someone else's love? Less deserving of the life that you have? Now imagine the things you do to make someone else feel that way. Granted, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent but imagine that there are some people who simply aren't that strong and then imagine if you were one of them.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It gets better?

So I am scanning my Facebook news feed for interesting information that might be worth reading in the near future. I say near future because more than likely, I'll click on the link that brings up the page and then put it aside because I'm at work and then forget why I was reading the article. I think that comes with the family bonds; although, who's to say? My Mother and Grandmother are/were notoriously forgetful. But my fiancee (yes, Ouiser is getting married) calls it selective memory. I'm guessing it's the ugly stepsister of selective hearing.

Anyway, the title of the blog is asking, "Does it get better?". To that I say that YES! It gets better for a good number of you anyway. The more you age, the more you realize that what most people think isn't really all that important. I say most people because there are a few people that tell me things and it's important that I listen to them. They would steer me wrong if they thought there was something funny that could come out of it but wouldn't hurt me. But I digress.....

I suppose you want to know why I question if it gets better or not. The reason for that is a state like Michigan who has passed an anti-bully law which tells you that you cannot bully anyone - unless you are religious. Of course, the law doesn't specifically mention Christianity or Gay people but it only takes about 3.0125 seconds to put the two together. More or less, a person may continue to bully a person provided that he/she does it only from the deep seeded love that only Jesus provides. Strangely enough, I can't imagine this being a quality that makes you Christ-like which I believe is the one sole virtue of being a Christian.

Then there is Tennessee, which makes Michigan seem a little sad (but that doesn't give Michigan any special "See? Someone is worse than us" privileges), which here lately has just been mean for sport. Again, most everything done against gay people is for the love of Christ and again, I have yet to see the love of Christ. Tennessee has either passed or attempted to pass the following:

"Don't say Gay" bill - this bill would tie the hands of any government employee from assisting a gay student or person with information about being gay or where that person can seek help. I believe this one has failed to pass both chambers of government.

"Equal Access to Interstate Commerce Act" - this act basically looks benign but what it does is tell the local/city/county governments that they aren't permitted to offer any non-discrimination policies beyond what the state offers. Since the state offers nothing in this area then no one else may offer these policies in Tennessee. Nashville had offered these policies but the bill invalidated those. So, more or less, you can fire or choose not to hire someone because they are gay.

"HB 1153" - Like Michigan, this bill allows someone to continue bullying another person provided it's religious in nature. Never mind that federal law prohibits someone from having a "captive audience" for their religious needs. A person may talk about religion in school but no one is required to sit and listen to it.

And finally Rhea County, Tennessee - the home of the infamous Scopes trial - tried to ban homosexuals from living in their county. It was decided that, "We need to keep them out of here.". The idea being that the county could charge homosexuals with "Crimes against Nature". It was unanimously passed but oddly enough, nearly all the county commissioners who voted for that bill either decided not to seek re-election or were voted out of office.

Now, I'm no rocket scientist and I'm sure a majority of you aren't either which means it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that none of the items mentioned above are Christ like. Hell, compared to all of those items, *I'm* more "Christ-like) than some Christians. Which, if you know me personally, that's saying something. No, I'm not evil (C, stop laughing) but I'm not your rose colored glasses kinda person either.

So, will it get better? Yes, for most of you, most definitely. But then some of you will still be just evil (I wrote pure evil but I don't believe in a source of pure evil) and working that tired Christian drag for all its worth. This quote seems oddly in touch with this blog:

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things - that takes religion." ~ Steven Weinberg

More reasons I choose not to call myself a Christian. After all, I couldn't stoop to the level of some of those that call themselves "Christ-like".