Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Merry Christmas? Merry Xmas? Happy Holidays?

I figure most of you know I'm talking about the end of the year holidays and everything that comes with them. Thanksgiving is a little over a week away then Christmas will be a month later with New Year's Eve being one week after that.

I actually like this time of year because it appears that most people are in a helpful mood (except at Black Friday sales then all bets are off). I like Christmas music but I can't say the same for the other holidays at this time because I have never listened to music specifically for that holiday. I'm not a big fan of people or their cheerfulness that often but something about this time of year seems okay.

But do you want to know what I truly despise about this time of year? The annual War on Christmas! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the War of Christmas. Nothing is more annoying than to hear people scream as loud as they can (or from posts on Facebook or Twitter or Google+) that they are keeping the Christ in Christmas - Who's with me?

First, let me explain, putting Christ in Christmas does about as much good for Christmas as putting a screen door on a submarine does for the submarine.

Second, Christmas is, more or less, a commercial event these days. I buy gifts for a handful of people (added a new one this year! He knows who he is...) and give them out then I'm done. I do have this strange idea to give handmade gifts one year but I'd have to practically start now for Christmas 2012 and even then I think I'm being conservative about the time it would take. But that is not the only strange idea I have at the moment. So that you don't think my train of thought has derailed, I won't talk about the other ideas.

Lastly, a heard a phrase that I liked, it said, "I'll put the Christ back in Christmas when you put the Christ back in Christian - You first." To some degree the statement is true in that not all who call themselves Christians are actually Christians. Then, of course, if you want people to see that Christmas is really about Christ and his birth then put the Christ back in Christian and show us all what it really means. The burden of proof is on Christians for this one for they are the ones who demand that people believe they are the true way.

I had an epiphany about Christmas and that was I really just don't care anymore. I would love for a store to be open when I get bored and want something else to do even if I don't intend on purchasing items. Thankfully, my new area has three Chinese restaurants which will probably be open. If nothing else, I can enjoy a dish of dog balls covered in cat spit (admit it, you were thinking it too or in some other variation).

For what it's worth, I had an epiphany about my job too. I learned that I really didn't want a job - I just wanted a paycheck.

Furthermore, has it really come down to this? An annual naughty or nice list of businesses, based on the number of times, that have used the word Christmas in advertising? I've wondered if a business could boost their chances of being on the nice list just by saying Christmas in their advertisements over and over again even though they were an adult store.

I have seen these little posts that talk about how saying Christmas would be taboo soon and I don't think that's true. Besides, what is wrong with saying Merry Christmas to someone that wishes you a Happy Kwanzaa? I generally repeat back whatever the person says to me because it's not worth the time to say anything else. If someone says Happy Holidays and you want to wish them a Merry Christmas then do so - there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. If that person gets upset then they are no better than the Christians who demand Christmas instead of Xmas.

This holiday season, live and let live - within reason. Understand that this hatred and annoyance over a word simply isn't worth it in the end.


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