Saturday, June 22, 2013

Voting: A Democratic Process

Correct me if I am wrong. Those are famous words and are generally spoken when someone is about to talk about something that they have little to no knowledge about. I suppose you could argue that what information they do have may not be complete so they are attempting to add to that information. That's the case here. I'm sure that somewhere along the line my information is incomplete and perhaps someone will see something that I can't see.

The subject is: Voting Against Your Own Self Interests.

It hasn't always been this way but I'd say the last two elections have been interesting in the way that people vote against their own self interests. Almost, without question, it has been a vote for a Repuglican was a vote for religion or theocracy. That's not to say that Repuglicans haven't had good ideas but here lately, they have just been having really bad ideas. While it hasn't been limited to the Federal and State level, I'll stick with those two because those are the ones easiest to make notes and well county and city levels are simply to vast. Never mind that those are mostly to praying at a meeting. I know! I know! What part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." Granted the 1st amendment says Congress but the 14th amendment pushes the 1st on the States as well. Is it really that hard to leave your religion at the door when you are a part of a public events? Government and its officials know they cannot participate in something that makes it appear that one religion is government approved. On the city and county level, they swear they don't understand why it's such a big deal. On the Federal level, they use religion to get you to vote for them, keep them in power and cause you to vote against your own self interest. Most Americans are really just that naive. But let's be honest, your politicians, aren't idiots - they know how to use your religion against you. Trust me when I say, you don't want a theocracy. You only have to look to the Middle East to see why. Do not give me or yourself that clap-trap about how a Christian theocracy would be much better than a Muslim based one. That's just bullshit and we both know it but I'll give you the floor - explain to me, in the comments, how a theocracy would be better.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

And that's exactly what we do every election season. We have flip-flopped (Americans hate that word but can't see they do it themselves) between Repuglicans and Demoncrats with almost every vote (when we do change presidents, of course):

1977-1981     (D)     Jimmy Carter
1981-1989     (R)     Ronald Reagan
1989-1993     (R)     George Bush I
1993-2001     (D)     Bill Clinton
2001-2009     (R)     George Bush II
2009-2017     (D)     Barack Obama

You can see the two (R)s together which is why I said almost. Yes, I predicted that the current President will continue to be President mainly because he's been a decent president and the other guy scares the shit out of me. He should scare the shit out of you too. There is nothing remotely even good about the Repuglican contender. People call him a "job creator" and that he'll create jobs if elected President. Apparently people don't realize that the President doesn't create jobs. He can, with help from Congress and Senate, make it easier for companies to hire people but in the end - it's consumers that create and sustain jobs. No matter how many businesses or people a "job creator" hires - it's the consumer that must like his product and be willing and able to purchase the product. Otherwise, the business fails and those jobs go away.

Back to the subject, this coming election process - a vote for a Repuglican (or the loathsome tea party) is a vote against your own self interests. You might be ask how is that possible when you do believe in what that person offers. The answer to that is simply because you are blinded by your religion or race or some other items that keeps you from seeing the true picture of what is to happen after this person is elected or this law passed. Take North Carolina's Amendment 1, for example. Many people that they were voting against gays only but it turns out that they voted again straight couples who haven't married yet or don't want too. They just ripped the benefits from domestic partners and children spawned from that union. In North Carolina, unless you are a married male and female - you have no rights, at all, to your significant other's benefits. Granted, what will likely happen is that benefits that are currently extended will continue to be given. But in the event that they are taken away - see what happens when you so gleefully go voting against anyone that you blindly vote for something that you didn't fully understand and as such didn't know what you were doing? Such a pity that you are blinded by your own religion that your hate and disgust of complete strangers  that you may have voted against your own self interest. See? You truly are that naive.

I had to rewrite this part because thankfully, North Dakota, beat back an amendment to their Constitution that the authors said would protect the citizen's religious freedoms - never mind that the Constitution does a damn good job of that. But let the extreme right get away with their tyranny and when that protection is gone - this country will see pain like it never has before. That I can guarantee. You have no idea how bad it can get until you live under a theocracy. It'll be like any other theocracy in this world, one that will exalt a leader who would take over and then force the rest of us to believe like he does and whatever his narrow interpretation of the bible is currently. He'll, with glee, acknowledge that there are parts of the bible that he chooses to ignore because without protections from the Constitution - he can do that and so can any other "christian" who chooses to take up the same mantle (there will be many of those too).

This election is extremely important and I personally think the Republicans are attempting to commit political suicide. All in the name of attempting to see how much people will swallow. These abortion bans that most people don't complain about because they think abortion is murder, that's great, except your religion doesn't belong in our government. Plus, how long do you think it'll be before government starts taking away other rights - you know, the ones you actually hold dear? Once you start down the slope of certain things are okay because I agree with it, eventually you'll start losing your rights too and when that happens - no one will be around to help you. Mainly because you didn't help them and now they are all dead or in jail.

Finally, there is a difference between Christians and "christians" or CINOs (christian in name only). This means they claim to love Christ, follow Christ and listen to his teachings but every single syllable from their lips prove that they do not do any of that nor do they actually read or study the book they profess to know. Be wary around these people as they are truly wolves in sheep's clothing. These people seem to not get that the Bible is full of rules and laws that apply to them or may they do get it but choose to ignore them while telling everyone they do not cherry pick their verses. I like to think these people aren't evil but rather gullible, misguided or stupid. In most cases, there's no cure for stupidity but in this case, you can help them by opening their bible for them and helping them find verses that they seem to miss. This, of course, means that you can't skip verses you dislike either.

Respectfully Submitted, 


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