Thursday, April 5, 2012

This is how I see things ......

Ouiser has determined that it's time to speak her mind. You might be thinking that she always does this but this is not the case. In some cases, I state my opinion but do not go out of my way to be nasty about it. Besides, I know that my readership is quite small and even if it were larger, it most likely wouldn't change minds.

So, without further ado, this is how I see things.

Marriage: Really? Have you nothing better to do than bother about what other people want to do in their lives? Seriously ask yourself, who does it harm? It certainly isn't you. A small number of states have passed this legislation and nothing has happened to them - at all. NOTHING. Imagine the large countries that have passed this and again nothing happened to them. Let me be perfectly clear -- Nothing will happen to you or anyone else. Besides, by attempting to ban any sort of same sex marriage, you already admit that the governments and our constitution allow it.

Here's a thought: Go read and study your Bible. Then apply the scriptures to YOUR lives not mine. Stop being a parrot for the church and use the brain that god gave you. Most of you should be embarrassed that I'm more Christ-like than you are and know more about the Bible.

Think! It really isn't that hard. Seriously, you have a church that wants to condemn gays but yet has the unmitigated gaul to cover up their own priests misdeeds. Furthermore, 98% of the women in the church have used birth control and yet, their own leadership condemns it. Someone is not in touch with their parishioners and given their priests proclivities, it's probably a good thing!

There is no, "well that country is not under god's protection". Bullshit! Even if that were the case, you god has no business in government at all. Keep your god at your home and your church. Anywhere else is just overkill.

I had some nut job, uh, I mean interesting person on Pinterest comment on one of my pins by telling me that marriage was a gift from god. Is that so? Well, take your gift and make it so but you'll have to give up all the benefits the government bestows on your "gift" because it's a gift from god, not the government and since the government can't show favoritism towards religion or non-religion. The easy answer to fix this problem is to let everyone have a go at it. If you want to still consider it a gift from god, you may do so but the rest of the country doesn't have too and the government can't.

I don't remember voting on your marriage, so lay your paws off mine. Since when did you have the right to decide what other people should have? Should I start a petition dissolving all marriages? Can we vote on that? Again, most of you should be ashamed of yourselves for even thinking you have the right to bestow rights upon me that are already mine to have - how fucking dare you! The nerve of how some of you think it's up to you and then you wonder why I have absolutely no respect for the religions that you think so high and mighty of.

Taxes: Would you like to see more taxes in the coffers? I think you should tax the churches. Why not?  All that land out there with holy buildings on them that are a rich source of income. When you think of all the preachers who tell people how to vote from the pulpit (thereby entering the political arena) are breaking federal law. But, of course, for that to matter the IRS has to know and actually care. If it isn't worth their time, then they aren't going to check it out. Not to mention that some of these churches are simply a hiding place for some people to avoid taxes by calling their income - church income or preacher income.

I'm not 100% sure that the Fair Tax would be the answer but it seems like it. I'd be willing to wager that it's better than what we have now. I'm tired of having the government eat up my paycheck because I'm in a same sex relationship, I don't get to file for the lower tax rates that married filing jointly or even Head of Household can do. I refuse to have rug rats that take up all your time, attention and money. The tax benefits of such aren't worth it in the long run. Never mind, that it would be disappointing to be raising decent children and be the exception not the norm.

Public Square: This is the area of your village, town, city, county or state that is government property and as such, publicly owned and operated. This area is for the use and recreation of the public meaning you, me and well anyone that is a citizen of the United States and officially registered visitors (meaning people who have passports and the visas required to visit, work, live or go to school). This area must represent everyone, not just a few. The neighboring village north of here has a nativity scene right in front of their sign during Christmas. It should be a disgrace but no one says anything. I was in a foul mood one day and was thinking about saying something to have it removed but I forgot then never said anything when I remembered. Even so, it's not harming anyone - so why should I care? Furthermore, I'm not sure the area they use is public or private. One would assume since it's in front of the Welcome sign for the Village then it's public but it's also across the street from a well heeled Nazarene school too, so it could be their land.  But, if it were public, then everyone should be allowed to put something up.  Then again, I'm sure some "well meaning 'christian'" (term used extremely loosely, so loosely, it would feel like a hot dog being thrown down a hallway) would eventually tear it down in a fit of christian outrage.

I like this quote:

Some people say homosexuality is a sin. It’s not. God is perfectly cool with it, God feels the exact same way about homosexuality that God feels about heterosexuality. Now you might say, ‘Whoa, slow down. You move too fast. How could you have the audacity, the temerity, to speak on behalf of God?’ Exactly, that’s an excellent point and I pray that you remember it.

This this warning picture:

I know it seems that I am being rather mean and angry at the church and it's for good reason. The church, for the most part, has shown over and over again that they don't care about people unless they can do things the way they want too or you donate to their cause. Think about it. Everyone that the church demonizes generally doesn't go and therefore doesn't contribute. Then they want to petition to government that they shouldn't have to follow the laws that they feel are against their religion but they should have every right to apply for government funding, grants and contracts. When government says no, you aren't permitted to do so if you want to participate in government funds and contracts. They, like little sniveling children, gather up all their toys and go home - refusing to help anyone.  How, exactly, does this show Christ's love? I understand not performing weddings and such for couples you don't agree with but then refusing to help those most in need because the government won't give you a special loophole? Yeah, that's just steeps in Christian love.  They've had a number of scapegoats throughout history and gays are just the latest. I'm not positive who will be next...maybe they'll start picking on other religions in gusto.

Folks, there is a difference between being religious and being faithful (you can say moral here). These terms aren't necessarily mutually exclusive but, in some cases, you find that you can have one but not the other. Since religion tends to override everything else. You do not need the church to be a good person or even to believe in God for that matter. There is no need to throw money away at the church when you could use it for something else more important that actually helps you. By that, I mean, you don't need the church for instruction in how to see God, walk with God or even talk with God. The church isn't necessary for you to grow and mature in your faith. So I implore you to dump the ditz, flounce the floozy and ditch the bitch then make the switch to talking and understanding God on your own terms. There is simply no better way to understand God and trust me, you'll feel heaps better when the guilt has washed away from your soul.


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