I posted the following picture on Facebook the other day. Most of the stuff that I post doesn't get noticed so I was expecting pretty much the same as usual but this is not what happened. At any rate, this is the picture I posted:
I posted this because I like and believe the message. You have simply to read my first installment in this series and you can see for yourself. I'll be kind and post a link for you here. But I am going to let you in on some of what transpired. Hopefully, I won't bore you because there are two other pictures I want to post that had some following to it. I won't name anyone but I can't guarantee that I won't use direct quotes as written on my page. If anyone recognizes their writing and wishes to have it removed, then you can go to Helen Waite. She's the editor here at Ouiser's Unmentionables. Besides, one would assume that if you posted it on any Facebook page, you are doing two things: 1) Showing that you are not embarrassed by what you said and 2) Giving the page owner license and rights in perpetuity to use it.
These are the points I was trying to make with this particular line which deals with marriage --
Gay men and women can:
- Be denied housing in some states.
- Be fired or not hired solely for being gay.
- Denied hospital visits because we aren't married.
- Are told every day that our relationships aren't valid by our own government because it's not politically viable to say so.
- Pay higher tax rates because we can't file as married filing jointly or separately. (In theory, you can file but then you have to wait at least 3 years hoping the IRS doesn't catch on. If they do, it can be considered fraud and then taxes, interest and penalties apply from the date the filing was done. Fraud may also carry jail time. Publication 501 specifically states that for purposed of filing taxes as married jointly or separately - only unions between a man and a woman would be considered. File separately or possibly have the IRS riding your ass - you make that choice. As for me, I can't be bothered with them like that).
- have everything taken away from them when their partner dies because their family doesn't like you and well you aren't married, so you aren't family.
So before you say that your rights are being denied or go to vote against someone because you won't take the time to learn about it yourself, think of those things. These things you take for granted are very real helps to other people. You don't have to agree with gays but at the very least, you can think for yourself (I write evangelicals because these are the ones with the most issues with gay people, not all Christians).
This is one of the comments mentioned by someone during this whole debacle: A hate monger is someone who physically, emotionally or mentally harms you. I'm sorry but I do not believe you are born gay, it is a choice, but that is my belief. From Christian perspective I believe it is innately wrong.
Tell me, what do you think it does to a person who has to hear constantly that they made a choice to be gay when they know they never did? What do you think it does to a person when people vote to deny them rights and access to benefits of being married? Do you honestly think that doesn't emotionally or mentally harm someone? Are you really that delusional to believe that you can say things like that and not harm someone, in some way? Never mind that the APA removed homosexuality from the list of disorders back in 1973 and you people have nothing better to cling to other than some words transcribed over 2,000 years ago. So, I take it that the Christians that don't care if someone is gay and do not care if two men or women get married have it all wrong? Deceived by the devil are they?
Find something else to talk about. In short, the answer is no. I will talk about whatever I want, whenever I want. Is this another right that evangelicals want to take away? Could be, I'm not sure but I'm pretty certain that would not be the case but I can make up crazy ideas too.
It was asked whether or not the participants actually vote their conscience. My answer to that is no, I do not. I think Christianity should be taken down a peg but would I vote to stop them from being who or what they are? No, I couldn't do that because I actually care for other people regardless of my personal beliefs. Yes, I am aware that the same care isn't returned to me but as I stated on another page - evangelicals are doing more to hurt themselves than I ever could.
The basic idea behind this post was the idea that all of this voting that we do in order to give gay people the ability to marry seems oddly out of place. You know like slavery except it's all races involved. Evangelicals go to the voting booths with gusto and glee so that can stop those pesky homosexuals from having the same rights. Yet, no one seems to know why. They all have vague reasons.
A dear friend tells me today that I have to stop being upset at religion and she explained that it's not religion that's the culprit - it's people. She has a very valid point. The message is from a/the God(s) but it's people that take the message and pervert it into whatever makes them money and unfortunately it's the blind sheep that are all too happy to send money to these people and all they really pay for is that television studio, the clothes they wear, salaries and all of the assorted accouterments that go into begging for money on TV.
Another person told me that they are okay with gays, they simply don't approve. I replied to that person telling them that their approval is neither needed nor desired. I have more compassion in my little finger than someone who can look at me and say I love you and then turn and vote against my rights because they do not approve. It takes unmitigated gall to do something like that and still claim that you love me and support me and wish me only happiness except the things I think you shouldn't have. What a fucked up world we live in!
You know, I thought at one time, if it come up to a vote, that I would vote to destroy religion. But the reality is that I can't stoop to the level of those who believe they are Christ-like. Imagine that! I'm evil but almost 100% of the time, I am a better person than most people who are evangelicals. That begs the question...if that makes me evil then what are they?
A dear friend tells me today that I have to stop being upset at religion and she explained that it's not religion that's the culprit - it's people. She has a very valid point. The message is from a/the God(s) but it's people that take the message and pervert it into whatever makes them money and unfortunately it's the blind sheep that are all too happy to send money to these people and all they really pay for is that television studio, the clothes they wear, salaries and all of the assorted accouterments that go into begging for money on TV.
Another person told me that they are okay with gays, they simply don't approve. I replied to that person telling them that their approval is neither needed nor desired. I have more compassion in my little finger than someone who can look at me and say I love you and then turn and vote against my rights because they do not approve. It takes unmitigated gall to do something like that and still claim that you love me and support me and wish me only happiness except the things I think you shouldn't have. What a fucked up world we live in!
You know, I thought at one time, if it come up to a vote, that I would vote to destroy religion. But the reality is that I can't stoop to the level of those who believe they are Christ-like. Imagine that! I'm evil but almost 100% of the time, I am a better person than most people who are evangelicals. That begs the question...if that makes me evil then what are they?
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