I got the most fascinating email today forwarded to me twice so apparently it's true. Although I'm about to explain to you how it can't be.
Apparently, Madeline Murray O'Hair is at it again! She's trying to get all Christian Broadcasting removed from the airwaves. This email told me that there are 275,000 signatures supporting this and that the bill is currently making its way through Congress and the Senate. They needed all the signatures they could get to stop this horrid woman from doing this. The email also states that the show, "Touched By an Angel" was taken off the air for using the word "god" in every episode.
Let's talk about this for just a moment. Madeline Murray O'Hair is the woman who successfully had the public demonstration of prayer removed from public schools. Let me explain to you what this actually means. It means you are permitted to pray in school; however, you must keep it to yourself. If you want to pray over your meal - permitted. If you want to stand up and hold hands to pray aloud - not permitted. Also, anyone employed by the school system isn't permitted to teach religion - of any sort - except under a format designed to teach religion's origins and history. Those of you who believe you need to put prayer back in school need to understand that prayer never actually left school. At any rate, I do wish people would stop passing this email around. Madeline Murray O'Hair isn't doing anything - the woman is dead. She had wrote about something an employee had done and he decided that she didn't deserve to live. Not only that but her son and granddaughter didn't need to live either. I'm guessing they must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her remains were found when the killer pointed the police in the right direction.
There are no current bills working their way through Senate or Congress on this topic. Enough said.
From my understanding, "Touched by an Angel" was removed because the lead, Della Reese, was no longer interested in playing the part. When she decided to step down - CBS wasn't stupid. The show wouldn't have lasted too much longer with someone else in that part. Here's something that you probably didn't know: Touched by an Angel was cancelled after its first season; however, a letter writing campaign brought the show back for seasons 2 - 8. Letter writing campaigns don't always work but in some cases, they do. Personally, I liked that show.
This one was long winded but you should see what I cut out of it. There's another whole blog just out of those pieces but that's for another week.
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