Wednesday, June 8, 2011

God's Warriors - Part One

For the most part, I generally do not care who or what you believe in. You can believe in God, Jesus Christ, the Goddess, multiple Gods, Kali, Allah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Heaven, Hell, the Summerland or even the Void of Nirvana. That, I believe, is your right. In theory, everyone in the world has that right. Whether there's a state run religion or not, you can still believe as you choose but you dare not say anything because you never know what you might lose. So I will stay in America with these thoughts. Everyone has the right to believe the way they want but there is always a section of society that won't be happy until you believe the way that they do. I could be wrong but I would guess these people want a theocracy. For those who don't know - a theocracy is "a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god." This doesn't sound remotely great and if you think it does, I believe you need a full body scan to check for issues. The rules of the Bible cover many issues and just because you ignore them now, doesn't mean you will be able to ignore them then.

However, if you have not noticed - Christians tend to take the lead on this one. They seem to think it is their goal in life to convert everyone to their way of thinking which I know the Bible says that they should make all men God's disciples. But it would seem to me, here in the 21st century, that since we all have free will (created by God or so I've heard) then we should be able to say, "No, Thank you." and that would be the end of it. I have learned that I am sadly mistaken in that particular idea. I think it's rather twisted how they also say that gay people try to pervert people to their way of life but can't seem to notice they do it themselves (but, of course, this is all for the glory of their god)! Do you honestly think that your god needs your help to convert souls to your cause? How great can your god be if he/she/it needs human intervention? Does this mean you should never talk about your religion? No, it means that when the information is solicited by another person then by all means - give it your best shot. But don't beat down a stranger's door with your good news. I will say here though that people who go door to door bringing possibly lost people the news of God has got some big ones. I could never do it myself but to walk up on a stranger's porch then knock on the door and start preaching has got to take some courage and faith. But please, I am happy with the way that I am, so you can leave my door alone. We can discuss later if I could ever REALLY be happy with myself but you should know that my happiness is in, no way, yours to decide.

I tend to get tired of people telling me that there is something wrong with me. I really don't need anyone's help with this because I already know I have issues. Go figure! Something like that coming from imperfect human beings. It's presented in a take it or leave it format and well I choose to leave it. I used to consider myself an agnostic meaning that I neither confirm or deny the existence of a god, gods or goddess and I still do to some degree. I like to think that there is a god out there - one who should be awed, talked too and walked hand in hand with but certainly not feared or crawled to, begging for mercy, on your knees. One should understand though that if this proof can be found, I would like to know it. I am one person who is happy to change my outlook on things if it can be proven to my satisfaction.

I might as well admit it, I'm gay! Damn, I feel better already. It's like a weight as been lifted off my chest and I'll probably feel better once I get the rest of it off my chest but that takes time, eating right and exercise. One of my apparent issues is that I'm gay and oddly enough, I am okay with that. I find it hard to believe that my gayness is in any way a chosen state. I don't remember making that choice but hell, if a Christian says it then it must be true! Now for another revelation, I have been told numerous times, that I am going to hell - some people say in a bus and others tell me in a hand basket. I've even been told that I'm going there via Fed Ex though they failed to mention whether it was same day, overnight before 12pm, overnight after 12pm, two day or by Fed Ex ground. No, that's not the revelation but this is - I'm okay with that too. Before you gasp, yes, it took me a little bit to get there but finally the fear left me and I've been okay ever since - I've even calmed down a little. Something that, depending on who you are, has been noticed or not noticed. I told someone once that I was made of sugar and I might melt if I stepped outside in the summer heat. Do you know what she say to me? She say some vulgar and lewd and lascivious words like shit doesn't melt. I told her that there are enlightened people out there and she says of course there are, namely people that don't know you. Horrible! But I will get you, my little pretty, and your big dog too!

Damn! A tangent, let's get back to the story.

From what I understand, it's because I had a bad first date with a girl and had no father figure in my life to guide me. So, I turned to men because I was mortified by a girl who I thought was stupid to begin with and because I am looking for the father figure in my life. Let me explain something to you people - I do not need anyone's help with this. I do not miss nor want a father for any reason. If all things happen for a reason then apparently it would have been a bad thing for me to have a father. You can't have it both ways - you can't say that everything happens for a reason but then make excuses for why things are the way they are. You can't say that I didn't have a father and that's why I am gay. Then say all things happen for a reason. If this is the case then I am gay and had no dad for a reason people! I'm sorry for those who believe they have to explain away life and then call it faith.

Speaking of faith - there is a sign that reads "Faith isn't blind - it's revolutionary!" I can agree with that only on the basis that faith, in and of itself, isn't blind. It's the believer who makes it that way. Faith is a way of believing those things that cannot be proven. Is it faith to say all people are fake in their Christianity because they do not believe as the speaker chooses to believe? I find the whole thing totally revolting and unfortunately most people cannot see how their own lives are causing people to dislike what they perceive as true and righteous.

Let me be honest here, I am so sick of what is permeated through out this country as what must be done instead of letting people make up their own mind. Some things are created and chosen for you while the other things are chosen by the user. Don't you think that everyone should be better off if they were allowed to make up their own mind?

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that if this is Part One did you leave anything for Part Two? I did but you are welcome to leave a comment if the blog loses you at any point in time and I mean for wordy reasons. If you don't agree with me, you can leave a comment too but try to be respectful about it. I have noticed that some Christians have a hard time being respectful of those that don't agree with them.

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