Thursday, May 31, 2012

Marriage Equality

I'm pretty sure that there will be people that do not agree with me. To them, I say good for you. You don't even have to like me but please, have balls, and say so - don't pretend. It's a nasty way to be and a waste of your energy. I have no want, need or desire for anyone to act like me and let's be honest - I am one hard act to follow.

There have been upsets on my Facebook wall and well, at this point, I'll let the chips fall where they may. Even for the most protected. It's unfortunate that it has come to this but if you have the balls to say something on my wall then you need to have the balls to accept whatever is said to you. It's odd how christians want to jump into the political foray and then demand that their religion is respected. I do think it takes balls to be that blatantly hypocritical about it.  Just like that church in Indiana had a toddler singing, "No homos gonna go to heaven" and then the adults gave the kid a standing ovation. Don't believe me? Check out the video on YouTube by clicking here. They want to teach their kids stuff like that and then claim gays are the worst people that can happen to a child.  Absolutely stunning! The blatant hypocrisy blinds me. This should be considered child abuse. While I assume that there are some churches out there that don't give a whit about what goes on outside their walls and community provided that it doesn't hurt them.

One should know that the people that take the time to rile up people about gay marriage equality. You know those people who make money through collections, donations or someone buying into their clap-trap? The televangelists, journalists at fox news, conventions and politicans. They know people are easily scared into thinking something wrong will befall them if the gays get married and will throw money at them to stop this seemingly bad thing. They say that marriage hasn't changed in thousands of years but oddly enough Mitt Romney's grandfather moved to Mexico so that he could keep his five wives. Interracial couples won the fight to be married. Women are no longer traded like common cattle as they once were. But marriage hasn't changed. If you believe that then you apparently don't follow your history very well. This applies to quite a few blacks who don't agree with marriage equality but are in an interracial couple or don't remember that slaves had to have permission to be married or to do so in secret and it wasn't recognized. Even at one time were not considered a whole person. Now, we have the same problem and for a group of people who make it all about slavery.....they don't want to recognize other people are having the same problem. It's almost shameful behavior. Yes, I am dragging up history but whoever said those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it wasn't too far off the mark.

To those of you who may or may not know, I am not an Atheist but rather an Agnostic. I like to think there is a God(s)/Goddess(es) out there but I don't know for sure. There is a word for people who aren't sure if God(s) or Goddess(es) exist but choose to live their lives as though they do knowing full well that they may not. For the most part, I look at God/Goddess a bit differently than most people and I have come to understand him/her on my own terms. If those terms don't suit you then I suppose that's okay:

I do my thing and you do yours.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it's probably for the best.

Ouiser will be back touring Atlanta on June 29th. June 30th to my hometown then July 2nd to Savannah then back to Atlanta to catch my flight home on July 3rd. So there are my travel plans if you want to stalk me.
