I had this crazy idea to write a post about various quotes made by various people who want to run this country into the ground with organized religion. I even titled the post, "You're killing me, Smalls!" Yes, the person that said that to me knows who she is and well would be offended if she wasn't brought up in my blog from time to time. But then I didn't realize until today that I would live through my post on organized religion. How? You ask. Well read that post by clicking here. Pay close attention to the options mentioned at the bottom about gay people and their lives. Take time to read number four.
This post is titled in this matter because I had said my peace on the matter and had no intentions of writing a second part to it. I don't intend on this blog to be vulgar or mean. Nothing can be farther from the truth. The reality is that by creating my blog and writing about the things that I am passionate about - I am hoping that people will recognize their behavior and control it better than they do now or eliminate it all together. But like forest fires, only YOU can control it.
I was thinking about going home during my vacation time in October but I mentioned the most horrible thing in the world - I wanted to bring my boyfriend with me. I wanted him to see my hometown and I wanted him to watch trains, down at the Folkston Funnel, with me. We could go to the Okefenokee Swamp late in the afternoon and watch the sun set from the tower. I had a plane ticket that I could use without charge and I even have certificates to make the hotel stay free. All I needed was a car rental and a plane ticket for him.
This trip has been put off indefinitely. Maybe someone out there is asking themselves why I would do that and well the answer is that I have been told I shouldn't force THAT on them. I've been reduced to a THAT. It sorta makes you feel like you aren't even a person anymore. Sort of like a slave that was three-fifths of a person - it took five slaves to make three people. Anywho, for those who don't like to click on links, this is the specific reference that I wanted you to read:
4. Find out what it was like for them to be told by their partner that he/she was invited to a family get together but only if they left their partner at home. He/She wasn't invited. Find out the pain inflicted on your partner because, while he/she wants to spend time with family, he/she refused to leave you home alone.
While I don't have to get a invitation to come home, it was put plainly that by bringing him, I would be forcing THAT on them. Although, in reality, he could have come but I couldn't expect to visit with everyone because not everyone would have been happy to see my new boyfriend. Sure, there would have been some who don't care and to those, I thank you.
Unfortunately, for me, I generally pick the worst times to talk about what's bothering me. This time was no exception - it was in a restaurant. No, I didn't break down into tears and I don't become obnoxiously loud but a seething anger did rise to the surface. Once I started talking about it, I couldn't keep the anger out of my voice. It wasn't directed at him and since he still comes around to see me - I'm sure he knows that.
Being the gentleman that he is - he suggested that I go on home and visit with family - he would be here when I returned. But I have questions that need answers:
1. If I go home without him, When do I stand up for myself?
2. When do I tell others that it's not okay to treat others like they're lower than fingernail dirt?
3. When do I say, "Suck it up! He's part of my life and you'll have to see us both or no one at all."?
4. How many people must die before people will understand that their hateful rhetoric is hurting people?
I was told that the Bible tells them so. The Bible doesn't say that and there is debate that what verse people point to in Leviticus isn't actually what was written. Even if it does mean that - why do we ignore the other rules nearby? The Bible does say that you may stone your children for sassing you. The Bible does say that a man may marry more than one woman. The Bible does say that slavery is okay. The Bible does say that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they were fat and lazy and refused to help those in need. The Bible says a lot of things and we simply choose to ignore those verses.
What do you guy(s) think? Leave a comment - tell me how great I am or that I'm full of shit.
One last question and you should be honest with yourself:
Why must it be this way?
Respectfully submitted,